Calls for Help

One could say the curse and blessing of most Celtic Rock/Punk bands is that they don’t have many signings with major record labels.  The blessing is the bands can make the music they want to make it – they don’t have a studio suit telling them how or what to do.  The curse is it makes the bands work harder to get their music out.   The mission I want for this blog is to help bands find their audience and when I hear the calls for assistance, I want to help get the word out.

This past week, I have have heard of two calls for help.  The first, posted by Shite n Onions on Friday 06-24-11, for helping The Radiators from Space.  Phil Chevron of Pogues fame is working on a project to pay tribute to Irish rock bands from 60’s.  More information can be found here.

The second call for help is a project being done by Brian Halloran, brother of Patrick Halloran of Ceann who passed away in February.  Brian is wanting to record the material that Pat had not had a chance to record.  Scythian, Icewagon Flu and others will be recording the songs.  More informatoin can be found here.

Both of these projects have various incentives depending on how much you contribute in addition to knowing you helped some great projects.  Slainte!